Idiot savant is the best term for this. I always wonder why we feel this constant anxiety about new technologies. Is it because we attach our meaning and self worth to our abilities since that’s how we’re used to relating to other humans? If that’s the case, we need to move to an older idea of human essentialism.

Seems like as you noted on twitter, the trend is for more areas to ‘automate the execution’ so people with vision and interest keep seeing their powers amplified.

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I'm excited to try out DALL-E but I'm not overly worried about commodification of art or other negative externalities, because I view the value of art as the process of creation, the journey, rather than the final output. Using DALL-E is a different process, but if what I love is the physical mastery of a skill or the evolution of an idea into an composed article, then I just wouldn't use it.

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