Hi Rohit. I published an essay this week talking about the virtues of public libraries, hopefully this is something everyone can agree is a good idea: https://howaboutthis.substack.com/p/public-libraries-awesome-things

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Well written! I spent much of my youth in public libraries, have very fond memories.

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I've been wanting to do a write up on public libraries for some time. Thank you for the inspiration.

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.3 percent or 20 percent are both unacceptable high risk thresholds when we are discussing human extinction.

I suppose it's not all bad though, as I've noted here with regard to entropy, if all we are is a collection of self-aware atoms, the universe discovering itself and resisting its own entropy, than perhaps AI is better suited to fulfil this goal than we are.

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There's no right answer to this, and like st Petersburg paradox focusing on a number doesn't help all that much when it's neither particularly backed up by anything nor actually something we can act on beyond the actual actions we already take.

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