Statistically, given the number of financial prognosticators (or any kind of prognosticator) alive today, it is highly probable that at least one of them will be very accurate in prognostication (by whatever means they use to prognosticate) for each of the, say, next 10 years. Following their advice will make one very wealthy. The proble…
Statistically, given the number of financial prognosticators (or any kind of prognosticator) alive today, it is highly probable that at least one of them will be very accurate in prognostication (by whatever means they use to prognosticate) for each of the, say, next 10 years. Following their advice will make one very wealthy. The problem is identifying THAT one, NOW. In reality the great prognosticators are identified by looking back, and, as the prospectuses all say, past performance is no indicator of furure performance.
Statistically, given the number of financial prognosticators (or any kind of prognosticator) alive today, it is highly probable that at least one of them will be very accurate in prognostication (by whatever means they use to prognosticate) for each of the, say, next 10 years. Following their advice will make one very wealthy. The problem is identifying THAT one, NOW. In reality the great prognosticators are identified by looking back, and, as the prospectuses all say, past performance is no indicator of furure performance.