I've recently started reading the Glass Bead Game. Many of the most universally applicable concepts I know come from physics, including entropy and the local minimums of energy being states of equilibrium. I will have to think about this for a while, Plinio.
I particularly like this because it is has weighty practical and philosophical implications, especially if you believe that there is an organizing principle, or set of principles, that underlie reality. To me, this looks like an attempt to approximate those principles. How else would such complex phenomenon appear so universally if not for them also appearing in the rules that govern reality? From there you can begin to use those principles and that toolkit to strip away jargon and get straight to the core of specific problems, pull from other domains for solutions, and synthesis across domains to innovate. Thank you for the intro to the Glass Bead Game!
The timing is eerie because I've been thinking a lot about metaphors lately in the context of a different project but this looks damned intriguing. Thank you!
This article resonates with me. I spend a lot of time purposefully domain-hopping and think (though can't prove) it's increased my volume and quality of ideas. Sometimes people don't get it when I say things like, "I took a bunch of MITxBio courses but don't plan to pursue work in biology." I took them out of pure interest and to expand the span of domains I can pull on for inspiration. Thanks for the idea of the Glass Bead Game table!
I've recently started reading the Glass Bead Game. Many of the most universally applicable concepts I know come from physics, including entropy and the local minimums of energy being states of equilibrium. I will have to think about this for a while, Plinio.
It's a brilliant book, glad you're reading it ad thinking about it.
I particularly like this because it is has weighty practical and philosophical implications, especially if you believe that there is an organizing principle, or set of principles, that underlie reality. To me, this looks like an attempt to approximate those principles. How else would such complex phenomenon appear so universally if not for them also appearing in the rules that govern reality? From there you can begin to use those principles and that toolkit to strip away jargon and get straight to the core of specific problems, pull from other domains for solutions, and synthesis across domains to innovate. Thank you for the intro to the Glass Bead Game!
Thanks! And yes it is indeed a wonderful way to explore life, for both pleasure and study.
The timing is eerie because I've been thinking a lot about metaphors lately in the context of a different project but this looks damned intriguing. Thank you!
Cheers! Happy playing.
This article resonates with me. I spend a lot of time purposefully domain-hopping and think (though can't prove) it's increased my volume and quality of ideas. Sometimes people don't get it when I say things like, "I took a bunch of MITxBio courses but don't plan to pursue work in biology." I took them out of pure interest and to expand the span of domains I can pull on for inspiration. Thanks for the idea of the Glass Bead Game table!
You're very welcome! Getting an appreciation of different theories and schools of thought is exceedingly fun.
Hello! I was wondering about the image at the top, is it yours? Or could you share where it's from?
I also love this novel...
Hey! If I recall correctly was made from midjourney.